(This is an incomplete game, so if it seems a bit random don't be surprised)
Item functionality (they now have different damages and some have different 'uses', for example, the stone can change the terrain and... that's about it),
The ability to pick up objects and store them as items, I allowed you to pick up enemies as well just for fun (you can have a pet AI!)
To do:
Add functionality to more items(like a bash for the shield to push objects/enemies further away),
Add an inventory
Known Bugs:
DON'T ZOOM IN TO 1:1 SCALE ZOOM, just don't, trust me everything breaks, if your smart you could figure out whats going on as I have but I can't bew bothered to fix it
W|A|S|D : movement
arrow keys : turning
space : 'use' item
return : attack with item
backspace : should be inventory but for now creates another object
[|] (square brackets) : item selection
-|+ : zooming
Esc : quit
1 : toggle fps
,|. or <|> : change player sight distance(you have to move for it to be updated)
8 : toggle sight memory
9 : delete sight memory
0 : toggle 'allseeing' mode